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Kingdom Builders Level 1* Foundations of the Kingdom
Kingdom Builders Level 1: Foundations of the Kingdom
Course Introduction (12:00)
Module 1: Unveiling the Kingdom: Your Citizenship and Identity (154:18)
Module 2: Unveiling Kingdom Enterprise: Mission, Vision, & Values (151:18)
Module 3: Unveiling the Kingdom Lifestyle: Doctrine of Repentance (153:36)
Module 4: Unveiling The Currency of The Kingdom: Doctrine of Faith (150:13)
Module 5: Unveiling Power for Kingdom Living (154:10)
Module 6: Kingdom Power Released (127:10)
Module 7: Unveiling Kingdom Immortality: Doctrine of Resurrection of the Dead (144:49)
Module 8: Unveiling Kingdom Justice: Doctrine of Eternal Judgement (138:51)
Assessment & Evaluation
Course Introduction
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