A• Course Overview

This course is Level 2 of the Kingdom Builders Intensive® Bootcamp, a one year and three-level certificate program to obtain a 'Diploma in Ministry & Kingdom Leadership*.

B. Course Contents

Module 1: Unveiling Kingdom Dominion: Territorial Legislative Authority.

Module 2: Unveiling Kingdom Royalty: Identity & Inheritance.

Module 3: Unveiling the Spirit World: Organogram & Map.

Module 4: Unveiling Spiritual Warfare: Patterns, Bloodlines, Gates & Portals

Module 5: Unveiling Kingdom Ammunitions & Artillery.

Module 6: Unveiling Kingdom Conquest & Invasion (Colonization).

Module 7: Unveiling Kingdom Culture & Occupation (Culturization).

Module 8: Practical Application – Operation Take My Jerusalem 4 Christ (Class Project)

C. Duration: In this course there are a total of 8 Modules. Each module takes approximately 2-3hours to complete. The total amount of time commitment to take this course, read bible passages, complete the exercises, assignments, and take the assessment is approximately 72 hours.

D. Languages: English

E. Format: Audio, Video and Written (Online

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